It has finally been packed and it has made me feel kind of ready for the baby to arrive. Last time I planned for a home birth so didn't have a hospital bag as such, I laid all the products and things that I thought I would need on our dining table next to the Birthing pool. Then when we had to transfer to the hospital at the last minute my husband just swept it all from the table onto a perfect suitcase. This time I have to be more organised and have a proper think about what I need, I also need to pack for hubby, Savannah and baby. So here is the list so far ha ha!
Mummys bag-
Lulu Guinness suitcase (Hubby bought me when we first dated, sentimental)
Maternity knickers - bag of 8 from Aldi
Maternity / Nursing Bra – x2 gifted from Mothercare
Big black unsexy knickers – Asda George - £4 for pack of 4
Nightie for labour
Dressing gown
Headband /Hair bands/ Hair grips/ Hair brush
Flip Flops – Havanans I live in them and they are great for the toilet run or shower in hospital.
Fan – Bought from John Lewis for £12 and has saved me this summer through my pregnancy.
Phone Charger – I-phone classic
Fresh set of clothes including Knickers to leave hospital – I chose a new ASOS nursing top and leggings so not to tight around certain areas!
Hoodie-hubbys one for comfort and for the smell to feel like I'm at home
Flannel – To wash and keep me cold when in labour
Headphones – To help me keep me in my hypnobirthing zone and block out any scary noises at the hospital or other women in labour
Eye mask — to keep me calm and relaxed during labour, or to let me get some sleep once baby is born
Face mask -To keep my face cool during labour & to try and take my mind of labour (iroha)
scamp and dude wash bag-Mini versions of shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, Hair serum, Hair bands, grips, boobie cream, razor
Make up bag ( i doubt ill use but just incase.
Paracetamol/Arnica tablets - for labour after & hubby
Hand cream - For hubby to massage my hands & arms to calm me in labour
Bits to help me during labour-
(it's a good idea to keep them in a smaller bag so birth partner can access them easily.)
Essential Oils/diffuser – Lavender, Peppermint, Clary Sage
Water jug-help with peeing after birth and also helps with pain down below
Yes, mum affirmation cards-The birth thing *gifted
Birthing ball
Pregnancy pillow-BBHug me *gifted
Cool pack/Hot water bottle-comfort in labour
Snacks/ food
Bananas - For my hideous cramp & for energy
Energy tablets
Cold bottled water
Present from baby to Savannah
Thank you card and present for the midwives they have just managed to bring your beautiful baby in to this world so deserve a treat!
Baby Bag for hospital
Scamp and dude baby grow *gifted
Outfits - *Gifted Mothercare
Plain white vests -*Gifted Mothercare
Sleepsuits - I've packed a few as last time Savannah pooped through a lot and so we ended up with not enough!
Mittens & hats *Gifted Mothercare
Blankets 2 in case they poop on one *Gifted Stokke/Mothercare
Muslins/Swaddle blanket *Gifted Etta Loves
Baby wash bag - Aurelia products *Gifted
Kit & Kin Nappies - New born & size one incase of a big baby - *Gifted
Kit &Kin wet wipes -2 packs -*Gifted
Present form Savannah to new sibling!
Savannahs Bag -
Blanket – Comforter as she won't be with me
School uniform
knickers & vests
School coat & Shoes
School reading bag
Water bottle
Pjs & dressing gown
Wash bag inc tooth paste and toothbrush
Bath bomb as a little treat
Hair bands/Hair brush
Treats and sweets
Book for bed time
Hubby's Bag-
Spare outfit
Wash bag
Phone charger.
Don't forget the Car Seat – MAXI COSI Racheal Zoe liMITED edition car seat *Gifted Azaria.
Thank You
The Savvy Mummy xxx