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Quinny Hubb Duo-Buggy Review

The Savvy Mummy

Quinny's Hubb Duo double buggy has landed and I have been lucky enough to get the chance to review it. The Quinny Hubb has been designed for a single or double baby or child which is super cool considering I am about to become the mum of two very soon. Savannah hasn't been in a buggy for a while but as soon as I started pushing the buggy I realised how much I have missed having one and am looking forward to testing it out.

Luckily for me when the buggy arrived the postman was very helpful as he could see I was pregnant so he brought all the boxes in for me. To say I was excited was an understatement. There were lots of boxes with lots of different bits, it felt like Christmas, so I grabbed the instruction leaflet straight away. The instructions on how to pop the buggy together were really easy to follow which I was very grateful for but if your having trouble or want to do it quicker by the time this review goes out I'm sure there will be plenty of instruction videos up on YouTube to help. Savannah and I managed to get everything out of all the boxes and cover the floor in all the different parts. We followed the instructions to a T and managed to set the system up very quickly.

The main features I love about the buggy are the number of different ways you can have it, from front facing to parent facing, laying down, car seat adapted or it even has space for the XXL Shopper to fit. The other fab thing is the sun hoods are really big and can go fully over which is one of the things I hated with previous buggies. Having to quickly get a rain hood out from underneath and fix on whilst it's raining is never fun so you being able to pop this over is perfect. This way you can literally pop them over the child/baby. The hoods also come in some fab colours, I choose the black buggy and base with the Navy hood, because of not finding out the gender of our baby I might treat myself to a spare hood once we find out.

The buggy is really easy to push and very sturdy, I had no trouble steering with one hand which is usually what happens with a little one. The Hubb has a fab break system which was easy to find at the back of the buggy and I had no problems with using. I found the Hubb nice and narrow which is a huge plus, especially when out doing the weekly shop.

The only problem i found with the Hubb was that it was a little stiff to fold away and if you were using it for two I imagine you wouldn't be using this as your everyday buggy as it's not so quick to collapse as some. Saying that I loved it because it felt sturdy and safe and for having a little one in that's one of my key things.

One item that I didn't find was really needed was the little pieces of plastic that go inside the wholes when you have placed the different style of chairs in the frame I think these would just get lost and aren't really that important.

Savannah hasn't been in a buggy for a while now but any time I mention the new baby and what buggy I'm going to get, she always asks where is she going to be able to sit? So now the Hubb has arrived it has answered all of her questions. The Hubb has thought of everything from to toddlers, babies or in my case a 4 year old & a newborn. The front of the buggy can have a baby seat whilst at the back, you can pop on this beautifully designed wooden seat. I'm sure Savannah won't want to go on it all the time but as I'll be walking to and from school with her I'm sure she will love sitting on it next to her baby sibling!

I have a huge love for Buggys and totally forgot how much I love them until being pregnant again, as I have been gifted this one from Quinny I thought I would treat myself to some accessories and this bag had to be a good choice. The Quinny XXL Shopping bag is perfect for all of your essentials for the little one or two, this bag stores it all and is a great size. The shopper can be used for all of the babies bits or for when you go shopping, it clicks onto the buggy really easily and can be transported into the back of the car or home. The best thing I like about the bag is that you don't have to bend under the buggy or have it hanging from the back of the buggy. The bag literally clicks in which is a fab idea and totally saves the back pain!

I really love the buggy and can't wait to get the newborn in it as soon as I can, it really is an easy push and has everything you need especially the huge shopping bag!

The Savvy Mummy xxx

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