So if your reading my blog and you haven’t heard of Stokke where have you been?i’m guessing your a parent or soon to be parent,as most of my readers seem to be and so you should know about this incredible brand.I first heard of Stokke when I was looking at buggy’s when pregnant with Savannah and instantly fell in love with the sleek,stylish and very beautiful designs.The brand was born in 1972 in Norway when they designed the very well know high chair called the Tripp Trapp,now this is a item that every Insta mum has in there house and every mum needs.They not only are designed to grow with the child from birth until up to ten years old,they also are so stylish that they look fab on the end of a trendy dining table.I have been lucky enough to have mine personalised for Savannah which is just the cutest and in a lovely colour to suit our front room.
The Tripp Trapp is a amazing design and so simple to use once put together, you just adjust the pieces of wood up and down depending on the child to suit there height and the height of the table.When using for a new born you have a separate piece that’s fits in the Tripp Trapp up until they are around 6months which is roughly when they will be ready to sit up on there own to feed.(depending on each child’s growth)Since having the Tripp Trapp Savannah has wanted to sit at the table more often and it has definitely been less of a hassle to get her to join us for food,she now knows this is her chair and she will often sit in it just for fun to draw ,paint or just be cheeky!Stokke have a huge range of different products including some stunning cots that you will have probably seen all over Insta, these are next on my list I guess i need to get pregnant before I fall in love with the brand anymore & get the credit card out.
The Savvy Mummy xxx